PPA Charities gives away $121,000 @ IUSA

Another $100,000 check was presented to Operation Smile this year. That makes over $650,000 donated by PPA members to change over 2700 children’s lives.Shown above are members of PPA and PPA Charities boards with our friends from Operation Smile. Left to right: Mary Fisk-Taylor, Tina Timmons, Britney Kirby Fullgraf, Ann Monteith, Clark Sanders, Randy Taylor, Bill Camacho, from Operation Smile Kathy Magee and Beth Marshall, Cindy Romaguera, Ralph Romaguera and Roch Eshleman.

And we were proud to also make a donation to Dando Amor for $21,000 to help in their efforts to build orphanages for children in Ecuador, Haiti and Africa. Co-founder Lori Nordstrom accepts the check on behalf of Dando Amor, co-founder Travis Gugleman was away on an actual mission at the time. Pictured are Ann Monteith, Bill Camacho, Clark Sanders, Randy Taylor, Roch Eshleman, Lori Nordstrom, Julie Jonker, Mark Fitzgibbons, Troy Schroeder, Tina Timmons and Melissa Thompson