PPA Charities Celebration Event 2009


PPA Charities hosts a “Celebration” event Saturday evening before PPA’s Imaging USA (the national convention in January) officially begins. The celebration event will take place at Alice Coopers Town in Phoenix, just two blocks from Convention Center and features fun, fellowship, and food. The evening kicks off with a VIP Cocktail Hour from 8-9pm. VIP Cocktail Hour tickets are only $35 and include hors d’oeuvres and open bar. The doors open to all convention attendees at 9pm, and the fun continues with the live/silent auction, the check presentation to Operation Smile, and music and dancing.

Mark your calendar now to attend the PPA Charities’ Celebration on January 10, 2009, in Phoenix.

Bald is Beautiful!

6a00d83451827e69e200e55347422a8833-800wiNothing motivates people like a challenge. In October 2007, PPA Charities Trustee David Grupa and his good friend David Jones were presenting a program to the Twin Cities Professional Nothing motivates people like a challenge. In October 2007, PPA Charities Trustee David Grupa and his good friend David Jones were presenting a program to the Twin Cities Professional Photographers of America (TCPPA). After asking the audience to support PPA Charities, he blurted out this challenge: “If you can put $500 on the table before the end of the night, I will let you shave my head at the next meeting!”

Dave left the meeting with his hair intact, but TCPPA President Mark Kiefer called a few days later, asking “How serious were you about the offer to shave your head?” They chatted about ways to raise money and came up with an idea: Since there are no entry fees on the TCPPA level, members entering the November print competition were challenged to donate $25 per case to PPA Charities. At that rate, 30 cases would bring $750. If that goal was reached, Dave’s previous offer would stand.


The TCPPA membership came through in a huge way, generously raising $2,200 in donations. The association itself added another $1,000 to the total and presented Dave Grupa with a check for $3,200 on the evening of the holiday party. To top it off, another $300 was generated the evening of the party by those who wanted their turn with the clippers!

At the conclusion of the evening, Dave left the event with a bald head, a huge smile, and over $3,500 raised for PPA Charities. But that was not the end of the story: An additional $1,300 came from private donations, including Rotary and monies that Dave and other member studios raised during the year.

At the 2008 PPA Charities Celebration at Imaging USA, Dave and TCPPA representatives Mark Kiefer and Amy Zellmer (shown with Dave at left) presented a $4,800 check to PPA Charities President Mary Fisk-Taylor and PPA Charities Executive Director Bert Behnke.
The TCPPA membership came through in a huge way, generously raising $2,200 in donations. The association itself added another $1,000 to the total and presented Dave Grupa with a check for $3,200 on the evening of the holiday party. To top it off, another $300 was generated the evening of the party by those who wanted their turn with the clippers!

At the conclusion of the evening, Dave left the event with a bald head, a huge smile, and over $3,500 raised for PPA Charities. But that was not the end of the story: An additional $1,300 came from private donations, including Rotary and monies that Dave and other member studios raised during the year.


At the 2008 PPA Charities Celebration at Imaging USA, Dave and TCPPA representatives Mark Kiefer and Amy Zellmer (shown with Dave at left) presented a $4,800 check to PPA Charities President Mary Fisk-Taylor and PPA